The film will follow Otto (Hanks), a grumpy isolated widower with staunch principles, strict routines and a short fuse, who gives everyone in his neighborhood a hard time as he watches over it like a hawk. Just as it seems like he’s finally given up on life, an unlikely and reluctant friendship develops with his new neighbors. Little by little, Otto undergoes a subtle transformation…but is he really capable of change?
2h 6m
Director: Marc Forster
Cast: Tom Hanks
, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo
, Mariana Treviño
, Cameron Britton
, Mike Birbiglia
, Kelly Lamor Wilson
, Rachel Keller
Genre: Comedy
A Man Called Otto
Director: Marc Forster
Cast: Tom Hanks
, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo
, Mariana Treviño
, Cameron Britton
, Mike Birbiglia
, Kelly Lamor Wilson
, Rachel Keller
Genre: Comedy
The film will follow Otto (Hanks), a grumpy isolated widower with staunch principles, strict routines and a short fuse, who gives everyone in his neighborhood a hard time as he watches over it like a hawk. Just as it seems like he’s finally given up on life, an unlikely and reluctant friendship develops with his new neighbors. Little by little, Otto undergoes a subtle transformation…but is he really capable of change?
UltraStar Cinemas Mission Valley - San Diego
7510 Hazard Center Drive #100
San Diego, CA 92108
Showtimes for Monday September 9, 2024
There are no showtimes currently scheduled
Please check back at a later date.
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